Exciting press coverage! The Vallejo Times Herald online July 23, 2020

First-time novelist relishes Greek roots  – Georgia Street eatery remembered By Richard Freedman | rfreedman@timesheraldonline.com | Vallejo Times Herald PUBLISHED: July 20, 2020 at 1:08 p.m. | UPDATED: July 21, 2020 at 10:36 a.m. Seven days a week for 13 years, Nancy Econome’s grandparents worked their Classic Grill in downtown Vallejo from 4:30 in the […]

George’s Phyllo-Wrapped Chicken Recipe

George’s Phyllo Wrapped Chicken Who doesn’t love flaky phyllo with tangy feta and Parmesan cheese? Now you can enjoy the recipe George, the second son in The Classic Grill – A Tale of Greek Gods and Immigrant Heroes created from his own imagination. Too bad his hard-boiled father Achilles believed Americans wouldn’t like the recipe  […]

Chicken Fricassee Recipe

In the novel, The Classic Grill – A Tale of Greek Gods and Immigrant Heroes, second son George tries to recreate his father’s Lamb Fricassee recipe. Fricassee is a classic stew featuring lamb or chicken and vegetables in a thick, creamy sauce. A Fricassee was often featured on menus during the 1930s and 1940s. Since […]